Hi Catherine and Joel,

I haven't played with this much, because the eBook options and capabilities have been changing too rapidly recently. But iBooks has support for PDFs now. The question is, whether it navigates correctly and bookmarks, as opposed to straight reading, which can be handled for documents. PDFs could always be added to the iTunes library. In fact, there was a software product early on to use iTunes to organize and store PDF research papers with tagged information. It should be possible to make an audio file out of a PDF file and put it on the iPod Touch, but it would take more resources and space. The new iOS4 release seems to support quite a lot, so having VoiceOver read the PDF on the fly in iBooks would be worth exploring. You'd just check the entries you wanted on the "Books" tab. Also, Stanza started supporting PDFs very recently, but I'm pretty sure you'd still have bookmarking issues if you played these in Stanza. PDF documents can now be separately uploaded to Stanza, and some other applications, on the Applications tab for the device. There's a new section after the table of applications where you can select the list of apps with document transfer, and then check the listed documents for that app. I'm not sure whether you could pick up the reading position when you sync. You could do this if you made the document into an audiobook, but it would occupy more space and take more resources to transform. I think you could use GhostReader, if you have that, as an easy way to create an audiofile. Or, you could set up an automator action to do this. I've just never done this for a PDF file, since I can read them directly, and a lot more easily on my Mac.

HTH. Cheers,


Joel Zimba wrote:

I did notice that I have a few pdfs in my books section of itunes. I'm not sure how I got them there... nor what to do with them exactly, it would be great if ibooks learned to read them, as I'm more and more impressed with it as I play.

On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:25 PM, Catherine Kudlick wrote:

Hi All,
Someone just sent me a long book manuscript as a pdf. If I wanted to read it on the go on my ipod touch, what's the best way to do it? Should I use voiceover? Or is it true that it's possible to convert the pdf to a spoken word text that I could access through itunes? If so, how do I do this? And is it easier to use in itunes than in VO? For example, can you set the pace of speech in these itunes files or mark your place?

Also, can what I read be sync-ed between devices? For example if I start reading it on my Macbook Pro but then want to pick up on my ipod, would it sync to where I left off?

Thanks so much, cathy

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