
Ok in light of recent traffic over issues people have been having with Safari 5 
and the new 10.64 update I am really confused  about whether r not I should go 
ahead an install them.

I find it most bizarre that a good number of people on the list are having such 
major problems and yet others are .

As a still fairly new switcher to the Mac I am slowly but sure getting to fid 
my way around it and someone from the group should also contact someone higher 
up in Apple, I even think I recall someone a while ago emailing Steve Jobbs and 
getting a reply.

yes I know i the great scheme of things us blind mac users are a tiny 
proportion of their global market but in view of their otherwise excellent work 
and commitment to accessibility I think they need to be aware of the evel of 
problems / frustration people are experiencing.

Anyway that's just my view.

Yours confusedly,


the last thing I want is to have some of the problems others are having.

I know there is probably no one answer to this but I'm really uncertain as to 
how to proceed.  I'm also very disappointed that these issues have arisen and I 
wonder that as well as the emails to accessibil...@apple.com not
Phil Stephenson

07841 714931
Skype = philstephenson

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