interesting?  you think it would be interesting?

either my head would explode or I would cry....  


> That would be interesting if we could read braille with this technology. I 
> think it is to early to say at this point. I think in theory you could do so 
> however. 
> Doug
> On 2010-06-01, at 7:31 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>> Ah, but could you do braille?
>> Jon
>> On 01/06/2010, Doug Lawlor <> wrote:
>>> Speaking of this technology, I was listening to a BBC program and the
>>> announcer indicated that a company called Immersion was or has come out with
>>> a haptic iPhone sleeve. Has anyone else heard of this? I looked at the
>>> companies web site located at but could not find
>>> any information on this there either.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Doug
>>> On 2010-06-01, at 1:27 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>>>> They are the inventors of the E-sense, the thin film which allows for
>>>> haptic interaction through low frequency electric modulation.
>>>> I spoke to one of their guys who said that developement and SDK phase
>>>> aren't entirely mapped out yet as they are negotiating with various device
>>>> makers, but i am hoping to be in the loop on this one for the current
>>>> projects we are having at our studio.
>>>> Interesting concept, which was discussed a year back.
>>>> Best
>>>> Yuma DX®
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