This could probably be done by connecting your external drive, and porting
your directory manually (what you have thus far). Then, there is an option
in iTunes regarding importing, I believe somewhere in there is the option to
change to the external drive.

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux <>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I have upgraded my macbook pro with an ssd and wanted to know if i could
> have an external hard drive as the actual itunes library.
> The detail in this set up is that i would like any and all content that i
> download on itunes to be automatically copied to the external disk without
> going through the computer's SSD.
> The reson i do this is because i'm preparing my system as a DAW and all the
> media samples loops etc would come from external disks. And i want to save
> as much space as possible on the laptop itself with only editing tools
> installed and everything else, photos, videos, music, etc on the same
> external hard disk, which itself is a firewire 800
> Ok this was a bit, but anyone succesfully set up his/her computer this way?
> Best regards,
> --
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