Yup, there are modems out there, but I would emphasize that unless you really need dialup for some odd reason, broadband will be a much better user experience and probably cost less.
Esther wrote:
Hi Chris and Dan,

Although you can't find Apple USB modems from the Apple Store any more, you can still buy them on Amazon and elsewhere if you do a Google search for:
Apple MA034Z/A External V.2 USB Modem
Alternatively, you can get a Zoom USB modem instead. There was some discussion on the macintouch web site some months ago about how these modems worked better with some of the intel Mac models than the Apple USB modem, and how at least one user had to change his OS to run in 32-bit mode in order to get his Apple USB modem to connect reliably. Here's the link to the macintouch Reader Reports site on modems:
The discussions I remember date from November 2009, and there might be more recent comments. Also, for FAXing use, another good place to check is Smile On My Mac's Pagesender FAQ:
<begin excerpt>
Do I have a fax modem, or do I need to buy one?
All Apple Internal Modems are fax modems. If your Mac came with an internal modem, you've got a fax modem. If your Mac didn't come with an internal modem, you can purchase one. Customers report happiness with the Zoom 2986 External USB Modem. Apple also offers the Apple USB Modem.
<end excerpt>




On 11 May 2010, at 10:12, Chris Blouch wrote:

I didn't notice any replies to this and couldn't find a USB modem on the Apple Store. I guess it's kind of going the way of the floppy drive. At least around where I live it's about the same cost to get DSL as it is to add a second phone line plus ISP charges. I suspect anyone who has broadband available is not going to buy a modem these days.

.dan. wrote:
I have a year old imac and want to have an usp external modem.  My 
local apple store has none in stock and expect none.
Am I correct in thinking that there is nothing particular about a 
modem for current macs that is different then those for a pc?
I intend to use it for a dialing device for making calls and to 
maybe do some faxing.
For anyone in my place wanting one, what have you to suggest?


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