Hello Nic,

My husband, Archie, is responsible for the CeciMac Braille package. He would 
like to offer contracted Braille but there are two problems. First of all, he 
has no list of the contractions used in Danish Braille, and secondly, he has 
yet to find out how to prevent the Braille output routine from crashing when 
any contracted Braille other than American is introduced. Apple will not help 
in this matter, and Archie is not paid for this work and is currently 
struggling to make a living in these difficult economic times.


On Apr 20, 2010, at 2:37 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi guys,
> So I got a braille display right here. And I've got the Ceci Braille package. 
> The braille table is set to Danish, and while the letters display correctly 
> now, it does not seem to work with contractions when they are turned on. I'm 
> a bit sad.
> Is it possible to edit the package myself and somehow add it? Unless it's 
> just not using them, for whatever reason.
> Regards,
> Nic
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