I got Windows 11 Arm running on my m4 Mac Mini.
After jumping through some hoops getting the free home use version of VMWare 
Fusion downloaded,
I was able to install Windows 11 Arm.
I had to use VOCR to read the screen after starting the VM.
It was on a boot screen. pressing enter started the setup process.
I cant be sure, But I think I used my USB sound card to use Narrator while 
You can download Windows 11 from the VMWare Fusion app when creating the new VM.


> On Jan 17, 2025, at 2:17 PM, pdevasto0...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hello all,
> I moved away from the late 2014 Mac Mini that I currently have back to my 
> Windows PC when I realized I couldn’t upgrade that machine past Mac OS 
> Monterey. Now that I’ve got the iPhone 16 Pro and with all its new 
> capabilities plus how well the new Mini sounds like it would nicely integrate 
> with this new phone, I’m seriously thinking about retiring the old Mac Mini 
> in favor of the 2024 model. Besides that, My sighted wife has a 2024 iMac, 
> and I’m really thinking it would be good for me to upgrade mine so I can 
> follow along with the new OS’s and be more of a help if/when she might need 
> it. I do have one big concern, which I know has been discussed previously 
> here, and apologize for the repeat. But here goes:
> I have two digital police scanners which have visual menus, but they come 
> with a cable that lets you connect it to a computer to program them. Problem 
> is that the app only runs on Windows, no Mac support. I did, in fact, run 
> Windows 10 on the old Mac Mini with VMWare fusion a while back, so I’d love 
> to hear from anyone who has been able to get Windows going on the newer Mac 
> Mini. If people have had good luck doing this, I might be able to retire a 
> five plus year old desktop PC in addition to the older Mac Mini. 
> I’m also getting into doing some podcasting for the first time, and the folks 
> I’m working with seem to really be more in favor of using Apple systems, so 
> that’s another reason I’m thinking to make the move.
> I’d really appreciate any tips or guidance anyone can give me, and once again 
> I do apologize for repeating this question.
> Pete De Vasto
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