I rather use the Iphone instead for the Mac calendar.
Its a bit smoother than the Mac app.
To be honest the Mac annoys me more and more when it comes to usability now 
than it has done before.

> 9 jan. 2025 kl. 15:15 skrev Jessica Moss <junglebookfa...@gmail.com>:
> It’s not just you.  I’ve honestly found the calendar app vary clunky to work 
> with for quite some time, and can’t remember when I first noticed this.
>   I’ve noticed for a while now that doing simple things like selecting the 
> dates I want is more of a pain in the butt than it used to be, more often 
> not, I’ll think I selected the correct date for a doctor’s appointment I’ve 
> tried to create an event for , for example, only to go back in and find out 
> the date didn’t save.  So at this point, I’ve just found the “add to 
> calendar” option a lot of web sites offer a lot more convenient.
>> On Jan 9, 2025, at 9:10 AM, Dave Carlson <dgcarlson0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is it just me, or is it difficult to use the calendar app on Mac/Sequoia? It 
>> is sluggish and entering an event title often causes it to stop completely. 
>> I used to be able to type very simple statements like “dinner thursday  at 6 
>> PM” and it would create the event just from that.
>> Comments? Experiences? Resolutions? All appreciated.
>>      Dave Carlson
>> Farfar,  Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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