It could absolutely be of intrest.

> 27 dec. 2024 kl. 05:29 skrev Brandon Olivares 
> <brandon.a.oliva...@outlook.com>:
> My understanding is that Rumola is for captchas. What I’m talking about would 
> be for the purpose of describing images so we know what they are.
>> On Dec 26, 2024, at 12:56 PM, Tibor Niesner <tibornies...@seznam.cz> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I do not know, if there is any extension for Safari browser, but it is for 
>> Google Chrome - Rumola. But it is payd, It is around 1 USD.
>> Best regard
>> Tibor
>>> 26. 12. 2024 v 17:12, Brandon Olivares <brandon.a.oliva...@outlook.com>:
>>> Hello,
>>> Firstly I wanted to ask if anyone knows if there’s already an extension 
>>> like this, that describes images using Chat-GPT. I didn’t find anything 
>>> through some preliminary googling but I’m not sure.
>>> If not, though, I’m thinking of developing an extension that does this: you 
>>> bring up the context menu on an image in Safari and it sends it off to 
>>> Chat-GPT to get described, then pops up a dialog with the description.
>>> Would there be interest in something like this? Just trying to gauge 
>>> whether to just make it for me personally or to make it publicly available.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brandon
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