Hello All,

I was near one of my local Apple Stores, yesterday, so decided to stop in 
to see if they had the phone I’ve been waiting for.  Lo and behold, they 

I am now the proud owner of an iPhone 16 Pro Max, 1TB, black on black on 
black on black, of course.

I think I set a personal purchasing record, yesterday.  We actually timed 
it, although trying to beat some kind of record was certainly not my goal. 
 Okay, the entire purchase process from the time when we actually stepped 
into the store, located a sales person, had all of the items brought out 
including a screen protector, case, and a couple of cables, have the screen 
protector installed on the phone, used Apple Pay to buy the items, have a 
receipt both emailed to me and also have a hardcopy of the receipt printed, 
have everything placed in a bag, and exit, the store took, get ready for 
it, 4 minutes and 58 seconds.  

Insane, right????

And, I might add, it was one of the most pleasant Apple experiences I’ve 
ever had.  The sales person was absolutely the best.  And, in no way was 
the store empty of customers; in fact it was comfortably full of customers.

As we crossed the threshold of the store, back into the mall, an also 
exiting customer said to me, “I’ve never seen anything like that; man but 
that was fast.”  Of course I greeted him and smiled.  

He then asked, “Are you some kind of professional buyer?”  To which I 
replied, “No.  Just a man who knows what he wants and how to ask for it.” 
 Be both laughed and went our separate ways.


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