> Mac for the Blind is proud to announce the continuation of the online courses > series! > > If you would prefer not to receive these updates in the future, please > respond to me directly and I will remove your email address from my list. > > Please pass this announcement along to as many people or lists as you feel > would benefit from this information. > > After the success with the previous online courses and requests from > several people, I will be conducting three more classes into the middle of > December. I’m going to be doing things a little differently this time around, > however. These courses will be independent from one another and involving > VoiceOver and the Mac that will be geared for people who might be seriously > considering the purchase of a Mac, people who are just getting started with > their Mac, or users who are experienced but want to sure up their knowledge. > There will be no free courses this time around, and it will be $30.00 to > register separately with a $80.00 cost for those who would like to register > for all three paid courses at once. You can, of course, pick and choose what > courses you prefer, but understand that I will be teaching the material in a > series with the assumption that participants have been exposed to the > previous sessions. Again, these will all be held via Zoom in the same manner > as the previous courses with the Zoom links being sent directly to you when > the course date approaches.. > > Please click on the link below for specific details and instructions. > Read the information carefully, and note that even if you are choosing the > free course, you will still be adding the course to your shopping cart for > checkout. You will receive a confirmation email for each course you select. > > https://macfortheblind.com/?page_id=3813 > > https://macfortheblind.com/?page_id=3813 > https://macfortheblind.com/?page_id=3813https://macfortheblind.com/?page_id=3813https://macfortheblind.com/?page_id=3813 > > https://macfortheblind.com/?page_id=3813 > https://macfortheblind.com/?page_id=3813 > https://macfortheblind.com/?page_id=3813 > https://macfortheblind.com/?page_id=3813 > > https://macfortheblind.com/?page_id=3813 > I thank you in advance for your interest in the online courses and I hope > to meet you all again in Zoom! > > https://macfortheblind.com/?page_id=3813 > > Take Care > > John D. Panarese > Director > Mac for the Blind > Tel, (631) 724-4479 > Email, j...@macfortheblind.com > Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com > > APPLE CERTIFIED SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL, ACSP > > Apple Certified Trainer, ACT > > MAC and iOS VOICEOVER TRAINING AND SUPPORT
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