Hello everyone,


Apologies if this topic has been brought up already, and I know it's real
early in the game, but my provider, like others including Apple itself, are
offering trade-in allowances if I turned in my iPhone SE 3, which is in
perfect condition, for the iPhone 16. I know these newer phones are a good
deal bigger than my SE, and I'll have to get used to not having a Home
button and requiring Face ID to login. However, I really would like to be
able to follow Apple Intelligence as it evolves, plus I'm seeing that the
battery on my SE isn't lasting as long as it used to between charges, so the
battery may need to be replaced fairly soon.


I can afford to move to iPhone 16 now, but my dilemma comes because I'm also
following rumors about SE 4 which would come out next spring. I'd love to
hear any initial thoughts from folks who may already have gotten the iPhone
16. I don't think I would need the Pro models as I'm not sure how much I
would use Lidar.


Thanks in advance for any thoughts,

Pete De Vasto

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