Interestingly enough, at least in Linux tools, it is now almost impossible to refuse joining prime. as in the button alt tagged continue without the prime benefits shows as a display link in the status bar. Frankly stunning, most other aspects seem possible, other than this force feeding of prime.
For the record, it shows in Ubuntu.

On Mon, 16 Sep 2024, Lorie McCloud wrote:

ok. I. guess that’s just the way it goes then. Ihate it on my Mac too! do you 
shop Amazon Fresh on your phone? that’s not too hard on the Mac but if it was 
easier on the phone, that would be great!

On Sep 16, 2024, at 5:20 PM, Brad Snyder <> wrote:

I hate Amazon on my Mac.
I always use the Amazon app on my iPhone.

- Brad -

On Sep 16, 2024, at 15:48, Lorie McCloud <> wrote:

I’m following a link in the book Bub email to purchase a Kindle book. on my 
Mac. when I get there I can’t get to the “buy now with one click” button even 
using the keyboard command for form controls. I tried clicking on the title too 
but I just get snagged in sponsored ads and reviews. so I tried it on my phone 
and was able to do it. is there any way I can tweak Safari on my Mac to make it 


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