I just googled the request and came up with 6 options. However, the Blind Shell 
Classic was not included. It is a Smart Phone that runs on the Android OS. I 
also believe it only runs on T Mobile. Check your local state agency and 
physically check out the options. Good luck.
Thomas Frank

> On Aug 13, 2024, at 8:34 AM, Mohamed Fayed <m10fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you so much that is very illustrative and gives me a good idea about 
> what is possible.
> Thank you so much again.
> Mohamed E. Fayed 
>> On 13 Aug 2024, at 1:45 PM, 'Harry Bell' via MacVisionaries 
>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> 000 Voice Control with VoiceOver 
>> 01 Turn on Voice Control
>> This guide assumes that you have VoiceOver turned on in Settings, 
>> Accessibility, VoiceOver.  Also that you have “Hey Siri” and Allow Hey Siri 
>> on Lock Screen enabled under the Siri and Search settings.
>> Do this initial setup while you are on Wi-Fi. If you have a passcode and 
>> don’t have Face ID and are going to really rely on Voice Control, and cannot 
>> enter a passcode on the screen, you will have to go to Settings, Passcode & 
>> Touch ID and turn Passcode off (as you cannot enter a passcode with Voice 
>> Control). Also go to Also go to Settings, Display and Brightness and turn on 
>> Raise to Wake. Alternatively,  Settings, Accessibility, Touch and make sure 
>> Tap to Wake is turned on, so that when the iPhone screen locks (you can say 
>> “Lock screen” to make this happen), you can simply tap the screen to wake it 
>> and then say “Go Home” in order to go to your Home Screen of apps - or say 
>> “Hey Siri, open (name of app)” . With Face ID, tap the locked screen, it 
>> wakes and recognises your face and then you say “Go Home”.
>> Go to Settings, Accessibility, double tap on Voice Control. On the next 
>> screen, go down and turn OFF: Show command Confirmation.
>> Turn ON: Play Sound.
>> Overlay should be set to None.
>> Now go back to the top of this page, double tap to turn Voice Control on and 
>> leave your iPhone for about 20 minutes to download the necessary software.
>> While you are using voice control always have your AirPods or headphones 
>> (wired or Bluetooth) connected! If using the wired EarPods which came with 
>> your iPhone, I’d suggest putting into your ear only the right one (with the 
>> volume control a few inches down).
>> Use a firm, commanding, rather abrupt voice to give your commands.
>> To turn Voice control off, say Turn Off Voice Control and when the alert 
>> comes up, say Tap Confirm.
>> To turn voice control back on again, just say “Hey, Siri - Turn on voice 
>> control!”
>> Navigating with Voice Control
>> Instead of saying “Swipe right”, Say “VoiceOver select next item.”
>> Instead of saying “swipe left,” say VoiceOver select previous item.
>> You can also say “VoiceOver select first item,.” or “VoiceOver select last 
>> item.”
>> After saying VoiceOver select next or previous item, you can say “Repeat 3 
>> times” in order to move on a bit faster!
>> When you land on the item in the list you want, instead of saying to double 
>> tap say “VoiceOver Activate.”
>> When you’ve heard enough, say VoiceOver Stop Speaking.
>> If you want to hear what is on the screen, say VoiceOver Read All.
>> Say VoiceOver magic tap to start or stop playing audio or dictation.
>> Say “Open app switcher” and then say “Swipe up” to close the app in focus. 
>> When you’ve finished, say “Go home”.
>> Other commands:
>> VoiceOver select status bar.
>> VoiceOver item chooser.
>> VoiceOver select next/previous rotor.
>> VoiceOver select next/previous rotor option.
>> And if your phone struggles a lot to respond, say “Reboot device” and then 
>> give the command “Tap Restart”.
>> If you want to undo an action, Ely “Shake device” and then say “Tap Undo. 
>> If you do decide to use this feature a lot, it requires a lot of processing 
>> power so it might be a good idea to get a battery case for your iPhone, or 
>> keep it plugged into the AC adapter.
>> 02 Use Contacts to email
>> Say Open Contacts - if you don’t hear “Groups, button”, you are in an open 
>> contact card, so say “Go back” in order to be in your list of contacts.
>> Say Tap Search.
>> Say Dictation Mode.
>> Say name of person.
>> Say Command Mode.
>> Say double tap (name of person) - and the Contact card for that person 
>> should appear. - if it does not work, keep saying VoiceOver select next item 
>> until you land on the name. Say VoiceOver activate.
>> Say Tap Mail and the email address will be highlighted. Say VoiceOver 
>> Activate to choose that email address.
>> When you land in the email, you are in the Subject field so do the Dictation 
>> mode command, dictate, then say Command mode, say Tap message body, say 
>> Dictation mode and dictate your email. And when finished, say Command mode, 
>> then say Tap Send.
>> To check what you have written, say Command mode then say VoiceOver read all.
>> When you’ve heard enough, say VoiceOver stop speaking.
>> Then Say Tap Send
>> Then say Go Back and then say Go Home to return to the Home Screen of apps.
>> 03 Use Contacts to call someone
>> Say Open Contacts - if you don’t hear “Groups, button”, you are in an open 
>> contact card, so say “Go back” in order to be in your list of contacts.
>> Say Tap Search.
>> Say Dictation Mode.
>> Say name of person.
>> Say Command Mode.
>> Say double tap (name of person) - and the Contact card for that person 
>> should appear.  
>> If it does not work, keep saying VoiceOver select next item until you land 
>> on the name. Say VoiceOver activate.
>> Say Tap Call and the number will be highlighted. If you want a different 
>> number, say VoiceOver select next item until you land on the number you 
>> want. You need to say VoiceOver Activate when you want to choose something.
>> You cannot end a phone call by using voice control: you have to physically 
>> double tap with two fingers anywhere on the screen unless the person at the 
>> other end hangs up.
>> Then say Go Back and then say Go Home to return to the Home Screen of apps.
>> 04 Use Contacts to send a message
>> Say Open Contacts - if you don’t hear “Groups, button”, you are in an open 
>> contact card, so say “Go back” in order to be in your list of contacts.
>> Say Tap Search.
>> Say Dictation Mode.
>> Say name of person.
>> Say Command Mode.
>> Say double tap (name of person) - and the Contact card for that person 
>> appears.
>> If. it does not work, keep saying VoiceOver select next item until you land 
>> on the name. Say VoiceOver activate.
>> Say Tap Message or Tap Mail or Tap Call and the detail will be highlighted.
>> You need to say VoiceOver Activate when you need to choose something.
>> If in an email, you are in the Subject field so do the Dictation mode 
>> command, dictate, then say Command mode, say Tap message body, say Dictation 
>> mode and when finished, say Command mode, then say Tap Send.
>> OR to send them a text message, Say Tap Message, say Dictation Mode, speak 
>> your message, When finished, Say Command Mode.
>> To check what you have written, say VoiceOver read all.
>> When you’ve heard enough, say VoiceOver stop speaking.
>> Then Say Tap Send.
>> Then say Go Back and then say Go Home to return to the Home Screen of apps.
>>> On 13 Aug 2024, at 11:14, Mohamed Fayed <m10fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I know someone who is blind and has motor issues, can’t use touch with 
>>> Voiceover as usual. 
>>>     • What options do I have?
>>>     • How about some phone with buttons? And screen reader!
>>> Thank you so much 
>>> Mohamed E. Fayed 
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