You won’t find it in the wallet app.
Check in the Apple Store app, under Account > Apple Account Balance, which you 
can find in the For You tab.

Be aware, that if you have any monthly or annual subscriptions that are 
periodically charged to your account, your gift card balance will be used first 
for these charges, before anything is charged to your payment method on file.


- Brad -

On Aug 2, 2024, at 13:57, Lorie McCloud <> wrote:

last December when I bought my new Mac, I got an Apple gift card for $100. it 
could onlly be used for Apple products. later I used part of it to buy a card 
reader so I redeemed it then. where is the remainder of the money that I didn’t 
spend? my assumption was that it would be in my wallet but I can’t find it in 


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