
If swiping up to edit and double tapping on that doesn't allow you to then 
swipe up or down to drag, delete, etc, then I recommend rebooting your iPad. I 
have found over the ÿears that rebooting resolves a whole host of issues when a 
device is not behaving as expected. 


Gabe Griffith 

> On Jul 5, 2024, at 7:01 AM, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>    No. The edit menu is there, but cannot get focus on it.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
> -Helen Keller
> My e-Mail:
> ancient.ali...@icloud.com
>> On 7/3/2024 7:31 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote:
>> maybe you have to use the rotor to get there.
>>>> On Jul 3, 2024, at 2:04 PM, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
>>>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>   Its not working that way.I hear "actions available" but swiping in any 
>>> direction does not put me in the edit menu.
>>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>> "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
>>> -Helen Keller
>>> My e-Mail:
>>> ancient.ali...@icloud.com
>>> On 7/3/2024 11:49 AM, Herbie Allen wrote:
>>>> It’s still the same. Just swipe up until you get to drag and double tap.
>>>>> On Jul 3, 2024, at 13:21, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
>>>>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>   iPadOS 17.x, when in edit mode, how does one access the functions such 
>>>>> as drag? This seems to have changed from16.x. Thanks.
>>>>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>>>> "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
>>>>> -Helen Keller
>>>>> My e-Mail:
>>>>> ancient.ali...@icloud.com
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