Hi Mark,

Could you explain how you created the shortcut you described in number four? I would love to be able to do that.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 20, 2024, at 8:49 AM, MacVisionaries <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Hello Everyone,  You know, each day I plan on posting to the list my various discoveries about my recent use of my Apple product but, somehow, time just slips away.  It’s almost midnight so I’m just going to list a couple of things:

Because of various sundry reasons, I will be posting to the list from the main group address, for a while.

Since using my new walking pad, I have started using the native Apple Watch Workout app.  I got a kick out of the Apple Fitness Plus sessions, at first, and I may use them, from time-to-time but I find that I am not particularly fond of listening to some trainer talking and talking and talking while I exercise.  I prefer my own playlists and or Apple Music Stations.

I have been diving into the shortcuts app as it provides a great deal of functionality to my workout sessions.  For example, I have created a shortcut, that I can run from a watch face complication that (1) sets the volume on my Apple Watch for playback on my Bluetooth headset, (2) changes the active watch face to what I want to explore during a workout, (3) starts a custom workout such as Indoor walking with a specific goal, and (4) starts any Apple Music app playlists or station.  I have created another shortcut that, at the end of any workout session, returns all of my various settings to their original parameters that existed before the workout session.

On a different note, I discovered that one can create shortcuts that can be activated directly from the home screen that will allow one to directly play any station / playlist on Apple Music.  As an example, If I want to play the the Apple Music 1970s love songs station, I only need to doubletap an icon on my home screen and the station immediately begins playing.  The Music app does not appear.  This can be done with any playlist / station, public or custom, in Apple Music.  It’s really quite impressive given that one cannot save an Apple Music Station to one’s library.  Without getting too deep into this, I have also created one shortcut that, when activated, simply displays a menu of whatever stations I have selected and I can select from that menu.  

While I am a huge fan of Amazon Music, I am discovering that Apple Music offers a great deal when one wants to walk only in the Apple Orchard.

I have so much more to share about my recent discoveries but the more I type, at present, the more typos I am making so I will stop here, for now.

I hope you are all doing well.


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