I got lost. I have gmail in mail app. 


> 30. mai 2024 kl. 13:48 skrev Tom Rash <dadnthed...@gmail.com>:
> I hit VO space on the thread to collapse it, and then arrow to the bottom of 
> the list and arrow up through the list to read in order, deleting or not as I 
> go through the chain and VO space to extend the list and delete delete from 
> the extended list if you want to delete the whole thing.
>> On May 29, 2024, at 6:55 PM, Eiret <eiret...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Does it work to hold down vo-command keys then while holding down the keys, 
>> hit left arrow until you hear messages, then arrow up/down in the thread. I 
>> always start at the oldest post. First you have to hit the actual thread in 
>> the inbox. Then do what i described above. Then you have the option to 
>> delete the whole thread when you go back to inbox.
>> However, this is in IOS with full qwerty external keyboard.
>> Eiret
>>>> 30. mai 2024 kl. 00:31 skrev Herbie Allen <herbie.al...@gmail.com>:
>>> Not sure which method you use, but I expand the thread with right aero 
>>> without opening the thread and then just delete any messages within the 
>>> thread with the delete key.
>>>> On May 29, 2024, at 15:16, Kevin Gibbs <kevj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Guys,
>>>> I’m using an M1 MacBook Pro running Sonoma 14.5.1.  I’ve discovered what I 
>>>> think is something weird about Apple Mail when it comes to reading long 
>>>> threads.  If one expands a long thread, the expectation should be that you 
>>>> start reading from the beginning of the thread and delete messages as you 
>>>> finish them, if that’s what you want.  Each successive deletion should 
>>>> move the reader to the next message in chronological order,  however, my 
>>>> experience has consistently been that deleting messages sends the reader 
>>>> hither, thither and yawn.  While there seems to be no real exact pattern 
>>>> to what happens, I find that I am either sent several messages down the 
>>>> thread, or, I’m sent to the very top of the thread.  The only way I know 
>>>> things are wrong is that I have enough vision to understand that I’ve been 
>>>> bounced somewhere other than where I should be.  
>>>> It used to be that CMD Option Delete, (where Delete is on the Sixpack, 
>>>> would deliver the desired result.  But now, using Cmd Option Delete 
>>>> removes the message such that it can’t be restored with Cmd Z.  Further, 
>>>> using this method doesn’t send the message to the trash.  I went looking 
>>>> for a message I removed in this fashion and it was nowhere to be found. 
>>>> So, I can’t use this deletion method anymore.  
>>>> I developed a case through Apple Accessibility and we’ve determined that 
>>>> this is a mail thing, not an accessibility thing, because the behavior is 
>>>> identical regardless of whether Vo is ON or OFF.  
>>>> Does anyone here have the same experience?  Does anyone here have a 
>>>> reliable KS for deleting a message from a mail thread while being certain 
>>>> of moving to the next message in said thread?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Kevin
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