Thank you! This is wonderful information.

Is there any way to add channels to favorites without hiding any?

I’d usually figure all this out on my own but am trying to take advantage of 
the 10 day free trial.


From: <> On 
Behalf Of Raymond Foret Jr
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: any tips for using apple tv with YoutubeTV and Voiceover?



Sincerely,Well Sarai,


              While I cannot point you to any specific documentation, I would 
be happy to give you a couple of usage tips.  First, here's how to activate 
audio description.  IF you are using an Apple TV box.


              Remember that when you first launch Youtube TV, 5.1 channel sound 
will be activated.  To access audio description, you will need to turn this 
off.  here's how:


1.  From the main screen, go right until you hear "accounts". press this.


2.  Now, go down to settings.  Press this.


3.  Next, go down to 5.1 channel surround.  Press this.  Press again to turn it 

4.  Now, tune to a channel which you know has audio description.


5.  Once there, press down until you hear, "networks".  

6.  Now, go left until you hear "settings".  press this.  You should now be in 
the audio menus.  Select secondary from this point.


To choose your favorite channels, you will want to use your iphone to do this.  
Make sure you are logged in to youtube TV on your phone.  Now, click on account 
and then channel guide.


>From here, it's easy to pick the channels you want and get rid of the once you 







The Constantly Barefooted Ray

Still a very proud Mac, Xfinity Mobile and Apple TV user

On May 21, 2024, at 6:05 PM, < 
<> > < 
<> > wrote:


I broke down and am trying YoutubeTV. They have a free 10 day trial with $20 
off first three months. Any documentation to point me to get it up and running 
on Apple tv?

I got the app started but want to learn how to best find channels, favorite 
them, and record shows.

Feel free to point me to documentation. I have 10 days to decide if I want to 
keep it.

I mainly got it for the SEC baseball tournament. Lol.


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