that happens occasionally. Try a restart of VoiceOver or your Mac.

> Am 21.05.2024 um 14:25 schrieb Brandon Olivares <thepianist2...@gmail.com>:
> I recently upgraded to Sonoma, and voiceOver is acting strangely with menus. 
> I can no longer navigate to a specific menu with a single letter. For 
> instance, in Safari I used to be able to press VO-M, then B to get to 
> bookmarks. Now it seems to drop down the first menu by default.
> Also, sometimes in Safari it just exits out of the menu randomly. I have a 
> bookmark buried inside a subfolder and sometimes I can’t get to it before it 
> exits the menu entirely.
> Is anyone else having this issue? I’m not super impressed with VoiceOver on 
> Sonoma.
> Thanks,
> Brandon
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