So I have finally set up my HomePod mini.
For me things went quite smooth and easy but there are things I didn’t expected.
I thought they would look like any speaker you get on the market but they are 
They look like two  balls with a flat top.
Not what I had expected.
THey didn’t have any batteries either which to me was a bit of a drawback but 
now I have have them and they won’t go back to apple because the sound is quite 
ok and the functionality is something I really like.
One thing which was cool was the indoor temperature functionality and the 
humidity functionality.
But for being that small the sound is quite great even though the stereo 
spreading from a pair could be better.
Maybe I have missed something but I don’t think so.
The display on the top works with VOiceOver but since its round and not 
rectangular its a bit tricky to use at least for me.
But I guess that’s a learning curve.

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