I just attempt to follow the game’s soundscape as best I can, but don’t usually 
get vary far with it.  That’s what I’ve done with any video game I’ve ever 
attempted to play even when I was a kid, since I always found the sounds they 
made fascinating, and wanted to see what I could do with them, and most people 
around me were at least willing to let me try.

> On Apr 30, 2024, at 6:56 PM, Rebecca Sabo <beckyas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I was wondering how do you play with game controllers when you are blind?
> Becky 
>> On Apr 11, 2024, at 1:00 PM, Cara Quinn <modelc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Just to add my .02 here, I’ve reliably used Dual Sense (PS5) and XBox 1 and 
>> Series X / S controllers wirelessly with Mac.
>> Occasionally the connection process via bluetooth can be a bit fiddly but 
>> once connected, the Mac remembers the controllers and usually connects again 
>> without a hassle.
>> Jessica, I’ve not used any third-party controllers so I can’t specifically 
>> comment on that, however, I’d suggest getting a PS5 (dual sense) controller 
>> or XBox controller specifically for series X or S if you can.
>> Joseph, regarding the issues with updating drivers, have you tried updating 
>> your XBox controller directly through a console or via the XBox app on 
>> Windows?
>> Sorry I can’t be of more help to either of you. Best of luck though and 
>> please do write back to the list with any progress you make on these issues. 
>> This may help others as well.
>> Good luck and have a great day! :)
>> Cheers!
>> Cara
>>> On Apr 8, 2024, at 10:52 AM, joseph hodge <josephlho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I think it might be picky as the only thing I found that honestly works 
>>> reliably is a PlayStation 4 controller wired in through my USB to USB-C. 
>>> Everything else tends to just not ever really map correctly or get 
>>> recognized. Especially running Bluetooth. When using my Xbox controller And 
>>> trying to Bluetooth it to the Mac it tells me I need to update some thing 
>>> but I can never quite figure out what driver needs to be updated. As when I 
>>> go to Microsoft and find the driver, I’m already up-to-date. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Apr 8, 2024, at 10:34 AM, Jessica Moss <junglebookfa...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> So I think I’ve finally found a wireless gaming controller that stated on 
>>>> Amazon, would work on my Mac, and also came with a clip so you could 
>>>> somehow play games on your iPhone.  The Brand is something I’ve never 
>>>> heard of “Aghi,) but when pairing it with my Mac, it picks it up as Xbox 
>>>> 1.  So I thought all was good to go until I tried running it on multiple 
>>>> emulators, and Retroarch now completely changes its menu structure, now 
>>>> only showing me what cores I have installed, and eventually just stops 
>>>> talking altogether, and eventually seems to freeze, and in Genesis+, I’m 
>>>> just not seeing an option under input to add/remap the control itself, 
>>>> only a general remapping option, which I accidentally remap buttons I 
>>>> don’t want to simply by trying to scroll through the table itself.  Am I 
>>>> missing a step here, or is the Mac just generally fussy about what 
>>>> controls it will and won’t play nice with?
>>>> --
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