If you turn off the Keyboard Commander, using VO + Shift + K, then you can use 
either Option key.

- Brad -

> On Apr 14, 2024, at 13:59, 'Mary Ward' via MacVisionaries 
> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> I just found them the second time I did my search.  They are question mark 
> with option, that is for me, left option, shift Slash.  The exclamation mark 
> is shift option 1.  A little bit of finger gymnastics since I am a user of 
> the keyboard commander, but I can work it out.  Thanks and I’m sorry I sent 
> this before doing a second search.  
>> On Apr 14, 2024, at 1:52 PM, 'Mary Ward' via MacVisionaries 
>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> Hi list.  I need to be able to type the Spanish upside down question and 
>> exclamation  marks.  But I am typing them for learners, so the base of the 
>> email will not be in Spanish.  SO I don’t think I want to actually change to 
>> the Spanish keyboard.  Does anybody happen to know how to do this?  I got 
>> the accented letters, and they are actually pretty easy.  If I have to go 
>> into the emoji keyboard, I am afraid they are not going to happen in these 
>> emails as I am just too lazy, and I can probably avoid them.
>> -- 
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