
Yeah, it's easy to find. If you Google something like "NFB lawsuit  against 
Apple" or whatever, it's there. :)

And the GWMicro issue I was gonna get around to. It's kind of funny. At least 
GW works with Apple instead of trying to give them improper input.

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On Apr 15, 2010, at 10:18 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi Rob,
> Where did your friend get this info from? I would be interested to read this. 
>  When was the law suit issued? Apple has always had some manner of 
> accessibility in their computers I believe with the Outspoken, Screen Reader 
> formally made by Alva.  Only since 2005/6 though has Apple used its own 
> Screen Reader.
> I don't know, but I suspect that this NFB law suit is a distortion of the 
> facts if anything. From what i understand, when Microsoft announced that they 
> wanted to develop an in-built accessibility for Windows, the NFB pressured 
> them not to continue because they feared that it would be detrimental to 
> venders such as Freedom Scientific. However, this may just be a rumour as I 
> cannot find any info on this. Your friend might be referring  to the 
> announcement that in September 2008, NFB reached an agreement with apple on 
> making ITunes more accessible to Blind users which would last for  three 
> years. This agreement was only for ITunes though as far as I know.  This 
> agreement came shortly after Freedom Scientific's announcement that ITunes 
> would be accessible with JFW. As Josh De Lioncourt notes in his September 
> 2008  article "Apple & NFB reach agreement on Apple Accessibility",
> ...NFB made no such fanfare when GW Micro announced its work with Apple on 
> ITunes accessibility with Window-Eyes earlier this year,, when that 
> accessibility came to fruition earlier this month, or when the vast majority 
> of the ITunes application became accessible with Apple's Voice Over Screen 
> Reading technology for Mac OS X early in 2007...
> Ignoring Apple's (and others') advancements in accessibility still seems to 
> be a favourite NFB tactic. This was shown very clearly in NFB's article in 
> the June 2009 edition of The Braille Monitor called "Report on the ease of 
> access of the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard environment with Voice Over". Mr.  
> Majerus' comments in this article were not entirely accurate and the article 
> suffered from obvious bias and a lack of objectivity. Eventually, NFB issued 
> a retraction, and whilst it was welcome, I think their previous comments 
> damaged their reputation as an Assistive Technology review powerhouse. But 
> sadly, NFB's stance is one taken by the majority of Blindness organisations - 
> especially here in Europe. This is changing in France it would seem and there 
> are people working in the UK too who seek to change venders' outlooks.
> I don't think Apple are going to walk away from Voice Over. As others have 
> pointed out, they have invested far too much time and money, as well as been 
> the beneficiaries of a major switch by a growing number of Blind and VI users.
> TC
> James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny
> On 15 Apr 2010, at 07:08, Rob Lambert wrote:
>> I just got wind, from a friend of mine, that the only reason Apple is 
>> accessible to us is because of a lawsuit by the NFB. The term of the 
>> agreement was for accessibility improvements for three years. Here's a 
>> question. First, what's your side of this ordeal? Second, who thinks Apple 
>> will keep up with the accessibility improvements after this three year term 
>> is up? I apologize for making smooth waters mirky, I just wanted to know 
>> what your take on this was. 
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