Hi  I  think  that  it  is  personal prefence. I  use  my  Mac about 80% of  
the  time. I use a  virtual windows  machine. I don’t use Microsoft products on 
 the  Mac  side, except Word. Everything else in windows. Email  for me  works  
much better on  he  Mac side, I  have  different email boxes for  personal 
email, and DeafBlind division things. I also kee separate email boxes for  
outlook, and  iCloud email.

All  of  the  above is  to highlight how  I  chose to  organize my email for  

Bodom line is  it  comes down personal presence.

Maurice Mines.
President Nfb DeafBlind Division.
Text voice  805-803-4880
T-Moble Ip relay 661-249-9715.

> On Jan 6, 2024, at 23:21, Brandon Olivares <thepianist2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I disagree that Mail is better: I’m currently using Outlook and far prefer it.
> I’m also using Teams over Zoom and that seems fine: that supports video as 
> well so can replace Facetime.
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>> on behalf of Herbie Allen 
> <herbie.al...@gmail.com <mailto:herbie.al...@gmail.com>>
> Date: Saturday, January 6, 2024 at 6:18 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> 
> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>>
> Subject: Re: Thinking of Switching to Windows
> I can do many things on the Mac that cannot be done on Windows. iMessages and 
> FaceTime all as well as things that are done more easily with Loopback 
> compared to Windows methods. Mail is much better as well. Some apps work 
> better also like Zoom. I did have to relie on Microsoft products for school 
> but it was at least still within the Mac environment.
> On Jan 6, 2024, at 15:24, Brandon Olivares <thepianist2...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:thepianist2...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Literally can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m really thinking of switching 
> back to Windows.
> I’ve been a loyal Mac user since 2010. I’ve always loved the Mac and swore 
> I’d never go back to Windows.
> But because of school I’ve had to use some Microsoft applications again and 
> I’ve been quite impressed by them. Word honestly knocks Pages out of the 
> water. And Excel is actually usable, whereas I’ve been dealing with an 
> annoying bug in Numbers for months now.
> When not even Apple’s own native apps can be relied on to be dependably 
> accessible, something is wrong.
> I’m just not seeing much of a reason to stick with the Mac. Even the last 
> MacBook pro I got was very glitchy, but with the nearest Apple Store being 80 
> miles away, I’ve never had the chance to get it fixed.
> So, at this point I’m seriously considering my next computer being Windows.
> Curious if anyone has any thoughts though. What has made you stick with Apple?
> Brandon
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