Hey Maurice et al,

Establishing a signature block in the native MacOS e-mail client is not quite 
that straight-forward.  Personally, I now have about 200 signature files, but 
only about 2 dozen are configured to serve as feasible signatures.  Let explain:

First, while in the e-mail client you will want to select <Command>+<,> to 
place your self in the e-mail preferences.

At that point, you’ll need to open the tool bar, locate and select the 
“Signatures” tab.  Then leave the tool bar.

At this point you will find yourself in a dialog where you’ll be able to 
create, delete and edit signature tags.  That dialog should be reasonably 
self-explanatory, but if you have questions you can e-mail directly at:

    wfgal...@gmail.com <mailto:wfgal...@gmail.com>

I’d go through the entire spiel but it does get somewhat complicated and I 
doubt most subscribers would have much interest.

- Bill from Ino, Wisconsin
- "A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight,"
- "and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."
- Oscar Wilde

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