In terms of your Lighting port, it is probably lint in the port. If you bring 
it to the Apple store, they can take a pair of tweezers and remove the material 
blocking the Lighting port. This happened to me about two months before my 
iPhone 6S went for a swim in the Potomac River. (Well, I went for that swim too 
and was in the ER 30 minutes later.
I've been thinking about providing shortcuts for VOiceOver Macintosh users that 
can be used with Siri and/or Voice Control. There was a good discussion on the 
Automaker's podcast this week about how OmniGroup has a set of Voice Control 
scripts for nearly all parts of their OmniFocus project tracking software.
That discussion can be found at: Automators #107: Control with your Voice, with 
Sal Soghoian › automators 
Today, I just finished a shortcut to save safari web pages to the desktop which 
is essentially the AppleScript I mentioned recently on this list wrapped in a 
shortcut. I'll be doing some testing and then will share with the group.

                Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn

> On Aug 7, 2022, at 15:36, M. Taylor <> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Just wanted to check in with everyone and wish you all a happy Apple
> accessibility summer.  I cannot believe that August 2022 is already
> underway.
> You know, it's kind of funny, I use my Apple devices more and more and yet I
> have less and less to say about them as they continue to get better and
> better.  (smile)
> A few things that I have been intending to post but have not:
> 1.
> In addition to my wired EarPods, I now use both AirPods, third gen, and
> Airpods Pro, on a regular basis.  While I would have to say that my Airpods
> Pro offer better sound quality, I like the Airpods third gen, because they
> offer an easier / lighter listening experience.  I know that sounds crazy
> but, for me, it is true.
> 2.
> My poor old 8 Plus is truly on its last legs.  The lightening port can no
> longer hold a cable, unassisted.  This is to say, in order for me to keep a
> cable inserted, the phone must be on a horizontal plain or the cable will
> fall out.  I do use a wireless charger with it but .  I am going to try to
> make it last until the next iPhone release which, hopefully, will offer some
> form of touch ID.  However, If touch ID is not included in the next release
> I will either purchase the biggest best new phone or I will get an S E.  One
> way or another, my beloved 8 Plus is on its way out (smile.)
> 3.
> My iPad 10.5 2017 is going strong; it runs like a champ. However, I am
> definitely going to get a new MacBook Pro after I purchase my next iPhone.
> I have a MacBook Air, M1, in the house but I really don't like the fact that
> it automatically powers on at the touch of any key. This is quite annoying.
> 4.
> As for software?  I find that I am using fewer and fewer apps.  I am not
> sure why.  
> All of the apps that allow me to easily manage my finances continue to be my
> favorite apps, of course.  However the Amazon apps continue to be at the top
> of my must have list.  I noticed some kind of a glitch between VoiceOver and
> Alexa on an iPhone 11, the other day.  Interesting as this glitch does not
> occur on my beloved 8 Plus.  My solution?  Delete and then reinstall the
> Alexa app.  
> Pill Reminder, My Chart, CA Lottery, and Yelp also head-up my favorite apps
> list, these days.  Of course, I am omitting all of the native Apple apps as
> their significance to my accessible life is unparalleled 
> While I continue to be a big fan of Twitter, for some reason, the app, and
> the service itself, for that matter, feel less streamline and unencumbered,
> these days.  Just my opinion, of course.
> Uber, Lift, and Insta Cart are amazing, as always.   
> And of course, all of the book reading apps remain dear to my heart.  
> While I would love to list some games that I enjoy on either iOS or iPad OS,
> alas, I cannot.  I do not know of any onboard (not requiring an internet
> connection) VoiceOver accessible card games and / or board games; a sad
> reality, to be sure.
> All replies to this post are welcome and, in fact, greatly appreciated.
> I hope this finds you all happy and well.
> Mark
> -- 
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