I tried opening it in photos on mac but saving as JPEG wasn’t a choice.


From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> On 
Behalf Of Phil Halton
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2022 9:27 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: HEIC converter


A quick Google search on the term “how to convert HEI see to JPG” produce good 
results. You can do the following to convert HEI see’s to JPG. You can open 
them in either preview or in the Photos app and then just save them in the JPG 


SentA quick Google search on the term “how to convert HEI see to JPG” produce 
good results. You can do the following to convert HEI see’s to JPG. You can 
open them in either preview or in the Photos app and then just save or export 
them in the JPG format.

Also for future photos, in the settings for the cameraAlso for future photos, 
in the settings for the camera, select formats, and  make the appropriate 
changes. One of them, I think it’s called efficient, is the HE I C format, the 
other most compatible, is for JPG‘s. Also, also, under settings for the Photos 
app, in the sub section called transferred to Mac or PC, you can make changes 
that will transfer your HEI see photos in JPEG format.


On Apr 16, 2022, at 11:29 PM, Debbie April Yuille <debbiey1...@optusnet.com.au 
<mailto:debbiey1...@optusnet.com.au> > wrote:

Hi Sarai


Could your photos app on your mac save the photo to JPG. The photos app on 
windows can.



From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>  
<macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> > On 
Behalf Of sarai.bucciare...@gmail.com <mailto:sarai.bucciare...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Sunday, 17 April 2022 5:09 AM
To: viph...@googlegroups.com <mailto:viph...@googlegroups.com> 
Cc: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> 
Subject: HEIC converter



I need to convert iPHone photes to JPEG. My insurance won’t accept HEIC. Can 
you recommend an accessible converter?

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