Hello All,

I thought that some of you may find the following article useful as many, if
not all, of the following voice commands work with the Kindle app.


How to use Kindle with Alexa

In this article, you will learn how to use various voice commands to read
your Kindle books with the help of your Alexa assistant.

As Kindle is an Amazon service, it is already connected to Alexa under the
same Amazon account. You don't have to add it to the Alexa application.

If your Kindle book supports Text-to-Speech technology, it will be read with
Alexa's voice. Even though reading with a synthetic voice is not (yet) as
good as being read by a real person (like in Audible audiobooks), the result
is still of good quality and appreciated if you have difficulty reading. 
If your book is written in another supported language, Alexa will use her
corresponding international voice to read it to you. For example, if your
book is written in Spanish, Alexa will read it in Spanish.

Kindle Library
Alexa can tell you which are your latest purchased Kindle books, but for a
complete list, you can visit the Alexa app. 
Alexa, what are my Kindle books?
Alexa, what is in my Kindle library?
There are [number] books in your Kindle library, including [title1, title2
and title3]. For a complete list, go to the Play section in your Alexa app.

Listen to a Kindle book with Alexa
Read one of your Kindle books
Alexa, read [title]
Alexa, read the book [title]
Alexa, read my Kindle book
Alexa, read my Kindle book [title]
Resuming your most recent book: [title]
Pause reading
Alexa pause | stop
Continue the last Kindle book where you left it
Alexa, read
Alexa, continue my book
Resuming your most recent book: [title]
Adjust reading speed
Alexa lets you control your Kindle book reading speed. The setting will
apply only to the current book you are listening to.
There are 7 preset speeds: 
.       slowest speed (0.5x)
.       very slow speed (0.75x)
.       slow speed (0.9x)
.       normal speed (1x)
.       fast speed (1.25x)
.       very fast speed (1.5x)
.       fastest speed (2x)
Decrease the reading speed 
Read your book one step slower to the minimum speed of 0.5x.
Alexa, read slower
Reading at 90% speed
Increase the reading speed 
Read your book one step faster to the maximum speed of 2x.
Alexa, read faster
Reading at 1 1/4 speed
Reset the reading speed
Read your book at the normal speed of 1x.
Alexa, read at normal speed
Reading at normal speed
Schedule shutdown (sleep timer)
You can ask Alexa to stop reading after a specific period of time.
Alexa, set a sleep timer
If you want to stop reading in 5 minutes, just say:
Alexa, set a sleep timer
Timer for how long?
5 minutes
Sleep timer for 5 minutes, starting now!
You can also specify a time to stop reading in your command.
Alexa, stop reading in [time]
Sleep timer for 5 minutes, starting now!
Navigate in the book
Alexa allows you to move the playback position backwards or forwards. By
default, the jump is 30 seconds. But you can specify a different duration at
the end of your instruction.
Go forward 30 seconds 
Alexa, go further
Alexa, skip ahead
Go forward another duration
Alexa, forward [duration]
Alexa forward [1 hour]
Go back 30 seconds 
Alexa, go back
Go back another duration
Alexa, go back [duration]
Alexa, go back [10 minutes]
Change the chapter
Go to the next chapter
Alexa, next chapter
Go back one chapter
Alexa, previous chapter
Information about the book title and author
If you are unsure about the book Alexa is reading to you, you can ask her to
remind you of its title and author.
Alexa, what is this book?
This is [title] by [author]

Original Article at:

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