I can’t get to my local Apple store and so I’m thinking of buying online and having it shipped to me. Problem is, I’ve always had the store attendant do all the unboxing and set up work for me. I’m a little concerned that I won’t be able to do it too easily by myself. I’ll be keeping my same carrier and that might make activation a bit easier. Can anyone walk me through the steps of getting an iPhone in the mail and going through the set up process including turning on voiceover initially and doing all the set up work? As I said I’ll still be using the same carrier so if you can also tell me how I would activate the phone with my carrier and transfer my existing account to the new phone. Thanks 1 million. What a pain in the ass these pandemic How to set up new iPhone I can’t get to my local Apple store and so I’m thinking of buying online and having it shipped to me. Problem is, I’ve always had the store attendant do all the unboxing and set up work for me. I’m a little concerned that I won’t be able to do it too easily by myself. I’ll be keeping my same carrier and that might make activation a bit easier. Can anyone walk me through the steps of getting an iPhone in the mail and going through the set up process including turning on voiceover initially and doing all the set up work? As I said I’ll still be using the same carrier so if you can also tell me how I would activate the phone with my carrier and transfer my existing account to the new phone. Thanks 1 million. What a pain in the ass these pandemic restrictions are. restrictions are.
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