Cara, I know that some of your listers are on my group called blind apples 
owner as well, I'm gonna forward this over there but I'm going to say that if 
you know all of your subscribers, and have their emails, let them know that 
they are welcome over on the blind Apple's list to ask their phone and Mac 
questions. And just in case this list ends up having issues, I will go ahead 
and say, feel free to apply if you're not already a member of blind apples 
owner. You can simply send me a blank message to the following email address, 
and I will approve all members.
And we're just as widely known as the iPhone group. But except we're not on 
Google groups. Here is the joining address. <>
> On Jan 24, 2022, at 5:37 PM, Cara Quinn <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I wanted to post this here as some of us are on both lists.
> As some of you may know, as of Friday, Google has prevented access to the 
> VIPhone mailing list because it says that the list contains spam or 
> questionable content. However, they did not alert either Mark or myself about 
> this, nor have they told us what the supposed content may be.
> Mark and I have sent feedback to Google and requested a manual review of the 
> list in hopes that it can be restored as soon as possible. These are the only 
> options we seem to have available to us aside from just getting the word out 
> in hopes that someone at Google might at least learn about the importance of 
> the VIPhone group for the blind and visually impaired community and perhaps 
> review the list more quickly.
> So I just wanted to let you all know the current status of the group and why 
> it is not available at present.
> If anyone does happen to have any contacts at Google or works there 
> themselves and has any way of getting the review process to happen a bit 
> faster, then it would sure be helping a lot of people.
> Like MacVisionaries, VIPhone also has a large following and provides a 
> valuable resource for many blind and visually impaired folks. So anything 
> anyone can do to either help get the word out or at least update people on 
> the status of the list, it would sure be appreciated. :)
> Thanks so much to you all and apologies for the somewhat OT posting. I 
> thought you all should know what is going on.
> Thanks very much and please let me wish you and yours my very best!
> Cheers!
> Cara
> -- 
> The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at:  
> and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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