Hello All,

I purchased my AirPods Pro last December.  Since then, I have had nothing
but excellent service from them, including standby battery life.

However, and I'm not certain when this happened, within the last two weeks
to be sure, all of a sudden, almost every time I go to use my AirPods Pro,
when out-and-about, I find that they are completely drained of battery life
even though I have not used them since charging, a day or 2 prior.  

I have performed all of the Apple-recommended procedures including resetting
the battery case, and removing the set from my account.  Nothing seems to

Last night, I had a friend come over with her AirPods Pro and we made
certain to charge them both to 100%.  Then, we simply let each set sit on a
table for about 20 minutes, essentially in standby mode.  It should be noted
that the AirPods were not actively connected to either of our iPhones.

She has iPhone 11 and I have my beloved 8 Plus; however we were both running
the same version of iOS.

When we checked the battery status on both units, hers was virtually the
same as it was just after charging while my battery case had lost 10% of
it's battery life; also, both of my AirPods Pro earpieces seemed to be
sucking up the proverbial juice, even faster.  

Again, leaving the units on the table, after checking battery life, 2 more
times at 20 minute intervals, it was clear that my set was losing battery
power almost three times more rapidly than her set.

So, as my AirPods Pro are covered by Apple Care Plus, I will take them into
the store and see what they have to say.

I canvased a few other acquaintances (about 5 people in all) on this issue
they, too, are all experiencing  the same rapid battery loss on their
AirPods Pro sets.

If anyone has any ideas on how to resolve this seemingly out-of-the-blue
problem, by all means, chime in.

Thank you,


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