
That is a very good question and I will be trying to find some time over the 
next few days to tinker and see what might be causing the problem. THis is the 
first time I have had any problems with an update of iTUnes. I had no problems 
with the search box and so far no problems updating any apps on my phone. It 
seems to be primarily related to accessing music content, but not limited to 
that area either. So, I have to admit I'm stumped. Additionally, I can't find 
any iTunes preference files, but I know they exist and sometimes deleting and 
recreating these can also fix issues. I think I will try playing with VO 
settings before I go to the extreme of deleting stuff. I did download and 
install iTunes after the software update, but that had no affect. So, some may 
have no issues and others may.

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