Well, for the record, the posted link works just fine in Lynx too.
Still, I have a question?
I do not own an echo, and if alexa's voice is the one I have come across
from Amazon she sounds rather unpleasant speaking personally, but I prefer
male voices in general.
Is there a way to change her voice if one dislikes the sound?
On Sun, 7 Nov 2021, M. Taylor wrote:
Hello Everyone,
Continuing my immersion into the world of Alexa's Music abilities with
Amazon Music as well as third-party services, including Apple Music, I found
an article that discusses virtually all of the Alexa music-related voice
commands now available in the Alexa app and Echo devices from 2015 to 2021.
Originally, I was going to paste the contents of the article directly into
this post but doing so proved unmanageable from a screen reader perspective.
So, instead, I will simply paste in the URL to the article which I am
delighted to report, is remarkably screen reader accessible.
I used both VoiceOver and Jaws for Windows, to review the article before
deciding to post to the group.
Alexa, Play Some Music: All the Alexa Music Commands can be found at:
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