
You do not need to export them to learn what the password is.  After selecting 
the web address and username you wish to know the password for, VO-right to the 
data for that entry.  Interact with it.  The Password button is a menu item 
where you can copy the password to the clipboard, or alternatively, there is an 
Edit button.  Press the Edit button and you will be presented with the username 
and password fields.  You can read and/or copy it there, or edit it if you 
choose.  Just Cancel to get back out.


Tim Kilburn
Jamf Certified Tech
Apple Professional Learning Specialist
Apple Teacher
(with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

> On Oct 17, 2021, at 8:07 AM, N2KPV <bennnyconstant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Stan, I believe that is the answer I am looking for . I am going to 
> try it .
> On Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 7:25:34 AM UTC-4 Stan za wrote:
> Hi Jonathan and All,
> It is there, but I am unable to read the “PW”, as I could in the past.  You 
> can export them in a file and then you can read them.  This is since the 
> latest update of “Safari”.
> Cheers.
> Stan ZA
> amis...@gmail.com <applewebdata://255D7CB6-C5C6-449E-B73F-FD8B22F6212A>
> On 17 Oct 2021, at 01:33, Jonathan Cohn <jon.c...@gmail.com 
> <applewebdata://255D7CB6-C5C6-449E-B73F-FD8B22F6212A>> wrote:
> It is in Safari  settings unless you are using a third party password manager 
> like 1 password.
>               Best wishes,
> Jonathan Cohn
>> On Oct 16, 2021, at 13:10, N2KPV <bennnyco...@gmail.com 
>> <applewebdata://255D7CB6-C5C6-449E-B73F-FD8B22F6212A>> wrote:
>> Hello Harry , thanks , I should have been more clear .I was talking about my 
>> mac  computer .  Still can not seem to find  it .
>> On Saturday, October 16, 2021 at 10:11:37 AM UTC-4 Harry Bell wrote:
>> That is now in its own section in the main Settings menu called “Passwords”
>> Harry
>>> On 16 Oct 2021, at 14:43, N2KPV <bennnyco...@gmail.com <>> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone ,I notice with the recent update I can no longer see my 
>>> passwords in Safari settings .  There used to be a place to check "Show 
>>> passwords ", but I do not see that anymore .  I am hoping  its just 
>>> something I am overlooking.  
>>> Thanks in advance , Ben C.
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