Hi Terri,
May I ask how you define doing lots of audio recording?
It seems important here, because you will want the hardware to support
your needs.
The programs you use have their own requirements. If you use external
recording related equipment, that will matter as well.
I hope? this offer comes from a reliable source, so the machine is as
advertised etc.
Do you want to share more on your goals?
On Fri, 20 Aug 2021, skipper8...@gmail.com wrote:
Are you referring to the Mac at Walmart?
Mountain Lion is a really old operating system, and the site says that there
are cracks?
Not sure.
If I were you I would see if there are still older Dell Macbooks around.
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> On
Behalf Of Terri Stimmel
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 6:01 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Interested in purchasing a Macbook Air
Hello everyone,
Sorry, I didn't mean to leave that information out. It states that it is the
latest model. Just that it is refurbished. The model number is, MC969LL/A.
I hope this helps?
Thank you,
On 8/20/2021 4:53 PM, Joseph Hudson wrote:
Hi we need to know how old is
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From: Terri Stimmel <mailto:icecreamlove...@outlook.com>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2021 4:42 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Interested in purchasing a Macbook Air
Hello everyone,
My boyfriend found a deal for a refurbished Macbook Air. I am very
interested in purchasing this.
However, I would like to get some opinions on it, if at all possible. I
don't know much about using a Mac. I have always wanted to use one. I
know in some ways they can have limits though.
I would mainly like to be able to do a lot of different audio recording.
I currently use an HP laptop for the majority of things. And probably
still will.
Anyway, this Macbook Air has 4 Gigs of RAM, Intel Core I 5, 1.6 GHZ, 128
GB SSD. It doesn't state what version of the operating system it comes with.
Does this possibly mean it doesn't include one?
Also, how likely is it that this could be updated, if at some point I
wanted to do this?
Any thoughts are much appreciated.
Thank you,
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