Hi All, Yesterday, I received an update message on my MacBook Air running BigSur. I went through the process and wound up using the Setup Assistant. Now, when I re-start my Mac or boot clean from a shutdown, I have a different voice than I had before which was Alex. More troubling is the fact that I can log in with my password on my Logitech keyboard as before, and even on the Mac built-in keyboard, I have to VO right and VO Left arrow before I can enter my password. Once logged in, things work as they should. I hear something about an installation message and then the password entry screen comes up. I have been on the phone with Apple Support and after modifying settings, we went through the Recovery process ands re-installed the OS twice. Things have not changed. I also have an appointment at an Apple Store on Monday. If anyone has suggestions prior to that, I would love to cancel that appointment! Thanks for any assistance. Best,
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