Have you checked how wide your 1 password window is?
I just entered 
"aThis is a test of my exiting lifestyle."
In a secure note, and it showed up in one line. 
My 1 password window is 8 inches wide and 5 inches tall. Check this by typing 
VO-COmmand—F2. To adjust the size of the window you can use VO-VO-shift-tilde 
(the key to the left of the 1 key on the US English keyboard)
If you pay for 1 Password on a monthly basis, you can also edit things on the 
web site, which I generally find fairly accessible.


                Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn

> On Aug 7, 2021, at 12:51, Paul Hopewell <hopew...@hopewell.org.uk> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running the latest 1 password under Bigsur 11.5.1 on my 2018 iMac.
> I am trying to edit a secure note using VoiceOver. I go to the secure note 
> edit area and interact with it. As I move the cursor up and down using the 
> arrow keys I hear only 1 word at a time. This is because the secure note edit 
> area window is so small. This makes editing secure notes difficult, and so I 
> select the entire secure note edit area and move it to a TXT file which I 
> edit and then move the result back to the 1 password secure note edit area.
> Is there a better way to edit 1 password secure notes?
> Many thanks for any tips.
> Best …Paul Hopewell
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