Hi, Just to let you know, I use zoom at least once a week and sometimes twice, 
and I enter the zoom meeting with no issues - there is the first screen so to 
speak of allowing safari to open zoom and once I click this, I'm in and there 
are no issues.
Come and See

> On Aug 2, 2021, at 5:30 PM, Herbie Allen <herbie.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I’m helping someone with Zoom on they're M1 Mac. When they click on a link 
> to access a Zoom meeting, they get the normal Safari window asking to allow, 
> then they get an installation Window even though Zoom is up-to-date. Has any 
> M1 Mac user experienced this? I went through the privacy settings and they 
> can access a meeting typing in an id directly. The link isn’t an issue as I 
> could connect with Zoom on my Intel Mac with no problems so wondering if 
> there is some kind of different behavior with the M1 systems.
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