Hi all,

I tried different approaches to getting rid of the issue where voice over mutes 
every other announcement. For example, if I have 3 UI elements in an app, only 
the first and third will announce correctly while navigating an interface, or 
when in some text, only the odd or even line will announce.

The hot fix for now is to toggle voice over off and back on, but honestly after 
a full day of doing this, it starts to get on my nerves, in a serious way.

Anyone have this problem as well? It seems as though the OS's way of dealing 
with multiple voices is just not up to par if you either a have an english 
region such as australia or the UK, meaning the system voice default is one 
voice, but your choice of another english voice conflicts somewhat. or you have 
a system language other than english but use english as well. In my case, I use 
Alex but the system default voice is the australian rachel. I changed settings 
for the system voice to be alex, but the system still takes both instances of 
alex as different voices, which seems to introduce this issue.

I'd really like anyone on this list spending time on the beta to make a request 
on this issue. I've stopped doing bug reports several years ago as I just don't 
have the time to write these reports.



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