Here is what Apple support says:
If you have only one internal disk, choose the Windows ISO image, specify the 
partition size by dragging the divider between the macOS and Windows 
partitions, then click Install.

It appears that I need to drag some slider to change the partition size. Where 
is this slider and how do I interact with it?

Frank Ventura

From: <> On 
Behalf Of Frank Ventura
Sent: Friday, June 11, 2021 9:12 PM
Subject: Problems in Big Sir using Boot Camp utility on a Mac Book Retina

Hi all, I have a mac book Retina 2015 version with a 512GB hard disk. It has 
served me well. For a project I am doing I need to install Windows in a boot 
camp partition. When I run the Boot Camp assistant it lets me choose the path 
to the Windows ISO file. However, I cannot find anywhere to tell it how big to 
make the Boot Camp partition. If I just click Install it creates a 42GB 
partition which is of course way too small. Can anyone tell me where in the 
Boot Camp Utility Wizard I can go with Voiceover to specify the partition size 
before I click the Install button?

Frank Ventura

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