On Apr 28, 2021, at 8:48 AM, Brad Snyder <wb...@swbell.net> wrote:
???In the Watch app on your iPhone, go to Passcode, and select Unlock with
iPhone. This is a toggle, so do a 1-finger double tap, to turn it on.
You should also enable Wrist Detection, which will cause your Watch to be
automatically locked when it is removed from your wrist.
The reason to use a passcode on your watch is security. This is the same
reason you lock anything, to keep people out who shouldn???t be there.
If you don???t feel it is necessary to lock your watch, or anything else you
have that is of value, then that is your choice.
- Brad -
On Apr 28, 2021, at 07:45, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries
<macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
That???s really interesting, Brad. Where is the setting that controls this?
Being able to unlock your watch and phone simultaneously would be very handy.
Also, what do you see as being the advantages of having a pass code on the
watch. I???ve never seen any reason to do it, but I don???t have wallet, Apple
card, or any other financial information on my watch.
Sent from my iPad
On Apr 27, 2021, at 11:22 PM, Brad Snyder <wb...@swbell.net> wrote:
???Once you have set a password on your watch, you can make it so that when you
unlock your iPhone, your watch will also unlock.
This way, you never have to actually enter the passcode into the watch.
There are many advantages to having a passcode on your watch. The ability to
use your watch to unlock your iPhone while wearing a mask is just the latest
- Brad -
On Apr 27, 2021, at 12:27, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries
<macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
OK, thanks. I guess I can give it a try, and if it's too annoying, just turn it
On Apr 27, 2021, at 12:23 PM, Herbie Allen <herbie.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
The passcode is for simply unlocking the watch after you take it off and put it
back on. You might also use it when installing updates.
On Apr 27, 2021, at 12:22, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries
<macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone uses a password for their watch, and if so, how does
it work? Do you have to enter the password every time you want to see what time
it is? I want to use the new feature in IOS 14.5 that allows you to unlock your
phone from your watch, but it requires a pass code on the watch.
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