I’m thanking the email would be just a generic email with a calendar attachment 
to it

Egun On, Lagunak! (basque for G'day, Mates
Louie P (Pete) Nalda
Twitter: @lpnalda

> On Apr 21, 2021, at 2:17 PM, Paul Hopewell <hopew...@hopewell.org.uk> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running IOS 14.4.2 on my iPhone SE 2020.
> I find the Siri Schedule command very useful for creating calendar entries. 
> However one very annoying feature is that if I say something like Schedule 
> Lunch with Pete 23 April 11 am “ Siri checks my contacts list to show me all 
> the Petes and asks me to choose the correct Pete and it then sends an 
> invitation to that Pete.
> This is bad news as Pete does not have an iPhone and will be very confused by 
> any Email Siri sends to him. 
> Is there any way to stop this behaviour?
> Many thanks … Paul Hopewell
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