Hey all,

Just wanted to check if anyone knows if there's a key combination to lock the 
voice over speech parameters (pitch, volume, intonation etc) so it can't be 
inadvertently tampered with. I keep having some of the parameters change every 
now and then from simply doing stuff, typing, switching applications etc, and 
it messes up my voice over, making it either partially anounce things. When 
this happens I need to restart voice over, and more likely than not, I will get 
a voice over that's partially alex and partially the default voice for my 
country, australia. This forces me to go to the voice over 
preferences/speech/language area and put the parameters back to their defaults. 
This is wasting my time and I really hate wasting my time doing this kind of 
stuff sometimes at least 5 to 10 occurences deep per day.

I can understand how there are multiple approaches    to do multiple things, 
but when there are too many key mappings across the system, stuff inevitably 
get entangled and these types of unfortunate side effects express themselves in 
the most annoying way.

So, anyone know how to lock these parameters so there's no key combo that will 
put them off kilter and mess up voice over?



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