
I posted this on viPhone but thought I’d leave it here, too.  

I’m seldom here.  Have a bit of a head scratcher.  I’m trying to sync my iBooks 
library between my iPhone/iPad and my ancient 2010 Mac mini running Sierra 
10.12.6.  when I examined iBooks on my iPhone, I was told I had to update my 
Mac Mini to OS 10.12.  About this Mac says I’m running 10.12.6.  So, I figure 
I’m good.  But there are sample books on my iPhone that don’t appear on my Mac. 
 These books are potentially expensive and I would prefer to buy them once I 
know they’ll show up on all devices.  

I had initially signed in on one Apple ID and now may wish to try signing in on 
another on my Mac.  But don’t know how to sign out on my Mac to sign back in.  
Have no interest in signing all the way out of iCloud in Preferences.  That 
would suck.

If you could, please write back and copy me at 
<> to make sure I see this since I almost never visit 
Mac visionaries.


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