I may not be understanding this issue but I’ve just opened a context menu on a 
dock item (using control click) and then used enter to access an option.

Enter seems to consistently work once a context menu is open. Are others not 
seeing this?

My apologies if I have misunderstood or have missed the point.



> On Mar 2, 2021, at 7:26 AM, Brad Snyder <wb...@swbell.net> wrote:
> From my experience, I have had no problem opening the shortcut menu for a 
> Dock item using VO + Shift +M..  The real problem is accessing a selection 
> from a shortcut menu.
> In the beginning of this issue, routing the mouse pointer to the desired menu 
> item, and then performing a mouse click on the trackpad worked in most 
> situations.  However, since the 11.2 update, this work-around no longer 
> performs as it once did in the prior 11.1 update.  There has been no change 
> with the 11.2.2 update as well.
> This situation is both disappointing and unacceptable.
> - Brad -
> On Mar 2, 2021, at 02:36, Jürgen Fleger <mailinglis...@fleger.net 
> <mailto:mailinglis...@fleger.net>> wrote:
> I only found one real solution to this issue: 
> Navigate to an element in the Dock.
> Switch off Trackpad Commander.
> Route mouse pointer to VO by pressing VO + CMD + F5. Pressing FN additionally 
> probably would be necessary in most cases.
> Hold down CTRL and press down Trackpad with one finger. Means perform a real 
> right click.
> If I do so the known context menu opens  reliably on my Mac. All other 
> suggestions didn’t work more than ones.
> All the best
> Jürgen
>> Am 02.03.2021 um 06:39 schrieb Brad Snyder <wb...@swbell.net 
>> <mailto:wb...@swbell.net>>:
>> I don’t find that using the Actions Menu helps get around any of the Big Sur 
>> Dock access issues.
>> Maybe I’m missing something here.
>> - Brad -
>> On Mar 1, 2021, at 18:51, John Panarese <jpanar...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:jpanar...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>    Which can be done via the Action Menu with ease.
>> Take Care
>> John D. Panarese
>> Director
>> Mac for the Blind
>> Tel, (631) 724-4479
>> Email, j...@macfortheblind.com <mailto:j...@macfortheblind.com>
>> Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com <http://www.macfortheblind.com/>
>>> On Mar 1, 2021, at 7:50 PM, Brad Snyder <wb...@swbell.net 
>>> <mailto:wb...@swbell.net>> wrote:
>>> Adding items to the Dock never has been a problem in Big Sur.  The problem 
>>> is accessing and working with the shortcut menu for Dock items in Big Sur.
>>> - Brad -
>>> On Mar 1, 2021, at 18:36, Mike Arrigo <n0...@charter.net 
>>> <mailto:n0...@charter.net>> wrote:
>>> I wonder if this person even tried a mac. Yes, there was an issue with disk 
>>> utility in the big sur recovery and I agree that this should have never 
>>> been released, but it is fixed now. I'm wondering what tasks the author of 
>>> this article wants to perform but is unable to do. There is still an issue 
>>> with adding and removing items from the dock using the keyboard but that's 
>>> not voiceover related directly.
>>>> On Mar 1, 2021, at 6:48 AM, kliph miller Sr <kliph.miller...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:kliph.miller...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> It’s clear to me about this article 2 things.
>>>>> 1. This is a windows user
>>>>> 2. They haven’t done there homework.
>>>>> Note: I am not the author of this article!
>>>>>> Introduction
>>>>>> The modern era has brought many advantages for those who are blind or 
>>>>>> visually impaired. One of the most important tools a blind user uses 
>>>>>> with modern computing devices is a screen reader. Traditionally, screen 
>>>>>> readers have been very expensive third-party programs that were very 
>>>>>> difficult to obtain depending on one’s financial status. However, 
>>>>>> several free yet capable screen readers have emerged in the last 20 
>>>>>> years. The two that we will be discussing are Apple’s VoiceOver for 
>>>>>> macOS and the Nonvisual Desktop Access or NVDA for Windows. Both are 
>>>>>> powerful screen readers in their own right, but they have their 
>>>>>> strengths and weaknesses which I will discuss in more detail. Hopefully 
>>>>>> by the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of each 
>>>>>> product and its individual strengths/weaknesses.
>>>>>> NVDA
>>>>>> Nonvisual Desktop Access or NVDA for short is a free and open source 
>>>>>> screen reader for the Microsoft Windows operating system. The 
>>>>>> organization behind the project is an Australian company called NV 
>>>>>> Access (www.nvaccess.org <http://www.nvaccess.org/>). It has been around 
>>>>>> since 2006 and primarily competes with the JAWS for Windows screen 
>>>>>> reader produced by Freedom Scientific or Vispero as they are now known 
>>>>>> by. It offers many of the same features that JAWS offers and should be 
>>>>>> suitable for 99% of screen reader users. The philosophy behind NVDA is 
>>>>>> extremely compelling. It is offered free of charge to anyone in the 
>>>>>> world, meaning there is no longer a financial barrier for blind people 
>>>>>> to work, learn, or do anything else on a computer. NV Access does rely 
>>>>>> on donations, either from individuals or grants from large companies, so 
>>>>>> if you can donate, it is very much worth it to help this amazing project 
>>>>>> continue long into the future. The obvious benefit is that a blind 
>>>>>> person can compete on a level playing field with sighted peers at no 
>>>>>> more cost than anyone else. Updates to NVDA are also free, and NV Access 
>>>>>> releases 3-4 updates per year that fix bugs and add new features.
>>>>>> Since NVDA is open source, anyone is free to review the source code and 
>>>>>> propose changes. While anyone can propose a change and submit code, it’s 
>>>>>> still reviewed and approved by NV Access before it is included in 
>>>>>> anything anyone can download. This ensures the security of the software 
>>>>>> from unauthorised changes and means that the final product available 
>>>>>> from https://www.nvaccess.org/ <https://www.nvaccess.org/> is just as 
>>>>>> secure and well vetted as the closed source from another company. 
>>>>>> Thousands of people from all over the world constantly contribute to the 
>>>>>> project which benefits everyone in the end. NVDA is a screen reader made 
>>>>>> for the blind by the blind. NV Access is overseen by a board of 
>>>>>> directors (of whom at least 33% must be blind or vision impaired, 
>>>>>> according to their constitution.
>>>>>> VoiceOver
>>>>>> VoiceOver is Apple’s built-in and the only screen reader for the Mac. It 
>>>>>> has been around since 2005, although the last significant update was in 
>>>>>> 2011 with Mac OS X Lion. VoiceOver works well with Apple’s built-in apps 
>>>>>> and used to be very reliable. Since it is built into the system, anyone 
>>>>>> can walk up to a Mac running a modern version of macOS and get it 
>>>>>> talking by pressing Command+F5. Apple should be commended for building a 
>>>>>> very capable screen reader into the system and showing the rest of the 
>>>>>> world that it is possible to build very robust accessibility features 
>>>>>> into mainstream products.
>>>>>> As previously mentioned, however, VoiceOver is not as reliable as it 
>>>>>> could or should be. Apple has not made significant changes in nearly a 
>>>>>> decade, and bugs are rarely if ever fixed. Issues have piled up over the 
>>>>>> years and the experience, while still good, is far from satisfactory 
>>>>>> depending on the tasks you wish to do. The latest trend appears to be 
>>>>>> introducing bugs that make certain things unusable. For example, there 
>>>>>> is a bug in macOS Big Sur where VoiceOver crashes when opening the Disk 
>>>>>> Utility application in macOS Recovery mode. This is absolutely 
>>>>>> unacceptable and would be fixed promptly if it was impacting sighted 
>>>>>> users, yet someone somewhere decided it was okay to release with this 
>>>>>> broken feature for blind users. This goes against Apple’s commitment to 
>>>>>> accessibility and the high standard of quality many would associate with 
>>>>>> the company.
>>>>>> Because VoiceOver is part of the system, you must wait for Apple to 
>>>>>> update the system to see if anything has been added or fixed. Since 
>>>>>> Apple’s operating systems are not open source, this means Apple is the 
>>>>>> only one that can maintain the screen reader. The fact they are not is 
>>>>>> very sad, as VoiceOver has the potential to do many great things if the 
>>>>>> appropriate resources were dedicated to it. Perhaps the reason for this 
>>>>>> neglect is the extreme popularity of Apple’s mobile iOS devices, as 
>>>>>> VoiceOver on that platform is constantly refined. We may never know, as 
>>>>>> Apple is very tight-lipped and secretive when it comes to their future 
>>>>>> developments. Unlike the open communication and collaboration model with 
>>>>>> NV Access, Apple does not communicate with the disability community. 
>>>>>> Again, this is most likely due to the secretive nature of the company, 
>>>>>> but things would probably be much better if Apple employees were willing 
>>>>>> and/or able to speak openly about accessibility with the users they 
>>>>>> serve.
>>>>>> Conclusion
>>>>>> I have done my best to outline the major differences between NVDA on 
>>>>>> Windows and VoiceOver on the Mac. While both products are good, I 
>>>>>> personally lean in favor of NVDA. Microsoft Windows is by far the most 
>>>>>> popular system in the world, and NVDA is a great tool in the toolbox. 
>>>>>> Its open source nature is a major plus and means the innovation and 
>>>>>> ability to keep up with the ever increasing changes in Windows is almost 
>>>>>> certain. In contrast, Apple’s neglect has turned me personally away from 
>>>>>> the Mac. I do not recommend people invest in Macs anymore either, as it 
>>>>>> has been clear for many years that Apple’s focus is on iOS. While it’s 
>>>>>> sad these events have transpired, we must never forget or disrespect the 
>>>>>> work Apple has done. Apple is a pioneer in the realm of mainstream 
>>>>>> accessibility, and now everyone else including Microsoft is trying to 
>>>>>> catch up. This is a very good thing as it pushes the entire industry 
>>>>>> forward and ultimately means access for blind users is only getting 
>>>>>> better and better as the years March on.
>>>>> Are you good at editing audio or want to learn how? Want to explore all 
>>>>> the options on how to make your recordings for podcasts or other files 
>>>>> sound good? Then audio editing101 is the group for you, join here
>>>>> audio-editing101+subscr...@groups.io 
>>>>> <mailto:audio-editing101+subscr...@groups.io>
>>>>> Let’s master editing audio together!
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