Hi someone replied to me off list, which I am fine with, however I didn’t find 
any text. It was some sort of confidential email link.

fidmarine1...@gmail.com <mailto:fidmarine1...@gmail.com> If you are this 
person, feel free to send your reply again with text in the body. :) 


> On Mar 2, 2021, at 10:01 AM, Anders Holmberg <and...@pipkrokodil.se> wrote:
> Hi!
> Yes I am also very interested in this unit.
> I still like my Focus 40 but a display with built-in query keyboard is 
> something I’ve only seen on the Inka display and the Papenmeier displays.
> /A
>> 2 mars 2021 kl. 18:57 skrev Traci Duncan <our4p...@gmail.com>:
>> It has been a while since this device has come out. I wondered if those of 
>> you that are using it could update the groups with your experience.
>> Connectivity, ease of use, switching between phone, tablet, computer, etc.
>> I’m very interested in the Mantis Q40, but admittedly nervous about such a 
>> large purchase. I own a Focus 14 Blue and purchased that in 2013.
>> Thank you for any user experience you share.
>> Traci
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