Hi Mike,

I saved your email for a time when I had more bandwidth, so here it goes.

The test flight link is below. I've also responded to an email on 
macvisionaries with some notes on the new release.


Have a great rest of week,


> On 9 Sep 2020, at 3:23 am, Michael Busboom <mbusb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> A few years ago, a blind app developer produced an app that made celestial 
> objects audible.  I believe, though I am not sure, that the app was called 
> Astrios.  If the app is available, for purchase or otherwise, can someone 
> tell me how I might acquire it.  When I had the opportunity to test the app, 
> I was unable to give it the attention it deserved, and the time in which I 
> was authorized to use it expired.
> Thanks for any and all assistance,
> Mike 
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