hey all,
I have found a couple of bugs whilst using recovery on big sur with voiceover 
which I have reported to Apple and if any of you can find them, I would really 
encourage you to do the same.
The first thing is the Wi-Fi problem, it has always been tricky but manageable, 
now when you hit VO MM twice, there is absolutely no way to access those 
Also the tab key is useless in recovery with voice-over, if you want to go to 
the continue button, you first have to select your options such as restore from 
Time Machine backup using VO right and left and then VO right down to the 
continue button.
The last and most serious from my standpoint is the continual crashing with 
voice-over in both disk utility and the installation of the system from 
If you going to disk utility from recovery and try to go to the table to select 
a disk or the toolbar, voice-over will just continuously crash.
The only way to fix it is to command Q out of disk utility and then restart 
I have sent feedback through the assistant to Apple and I hope they take a look 
at this before the next beta update.

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