Oh, wow!  That's funny.  Well, good for you for figuring it out, even if you 
did stumble upon these methods.  I'll give them both a try.
On Mar 15, 2010, at 11:23 AM, Israel wrote:

> Hi Donna
> There are two ways I've stumbled into the edit box.  
> 1.  On the FB main page where it has a link then a number which is the number 
> of notifications you have, I VO+space on the notification link so I can read 
> list of notifications.  I came across one stating "Janes Smith commented on 
> your status"  so I pressed VO+space on the status link to go read her 
> comment.  After doing so, instead of pressing the link "home" I pressed 
> command+left bracket.  Remembering there was something else I wanted to read 
> on my wall, I quickly pressed command+right bracket to move forward.  I was 
> amused by this for no apparent reason so I began pressing them several times 
> consecutively.  Forward back forward back.  When I finally stopped, I was on 
> the main FB site ready to resume reading friends' updates when I pressed 
> VO+right arrow to make my way down the page and found Voiceover saying the 
> following, "what's on your mind edit box"  Sure enough, I was in the box and 
> tested it by updating my status and it worked!  So now every so often, I will 
> be on the main FB site and activate the link to my profile.  Once on my 
> profile page, I press command+left bracket then quickly  command+right 
> bracket so that I keep going back and forth several times then I stop at the 
> main FB site and some times, VO then reads the edit box and it's accompanying 
> label.
> NOTE:  It is a bit strange and it does some times cause VO to turn off then 
> turn right back on.
> 2. The other option is on the FB main site when reading friends' updates, 
> there is a heading "friends online" followed by a heading "newsfeed"  I arrow 
> over to the two options which read top news and most recent.  I press 
> VO+space on "most recent" then VO+right arrow  twice and hear "what's on your 
> mind"  VO only reads the label but doesn't put me in the edit box so I press 
> command+r to reload the page.  When the page reloads, I quickly move to the 
> newsfeed heading and VO+right arrow once and I hear "what's on your mind edit 
> box" and I can type in my status.  
> NOTE:  Again, this doesn't always work and when it does, I usually have 
> anywhere between 30 seconds up to three minutes before mysteriously, access 
> to the edit box is no longer possible.  Haven't figured that part out.
> I hope that helps Donna.  If there is another way to get access to the edit 
> box on the main FB site, I hope someone shares it because the fact that these 
> work even if not all the time leads me to believe we're not all that far away 
> from someone figuring it out.  I did use FB main site for three months after 
> buying my IMac and was able to use the edit box to always update my status. 
> The only problem was VO would never read the label "what's on your mind"  It 
> would only say "edit box" but I knew I was in the right place because when I 
> used my PC, edit box label was read by Window-Eyes and having learned the 
> layout, I knew that was indeed the proper edit box to update my status.  Now, 
> with these two "out of the box" methods I've been using, VO does read the 
> label so again, I know we're close.  I can feel it!!
> Israel Antonio
> Sexy Isra
> www.sexyisra.blogspot.com
> www.twitter.com/sexyisra
> On Mar 15, 2010, at 9:18 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Israel,
>> What was the way you "stumbled upon to access that box?
>> Donna
>> On Mar 15, 2010, at 9:54 AM, Israel wrote:
>>> Ronit,
>>> I use the main site.  Yes, I do some times update status via the mobile 
>>> site as well as through my twitter account which I have set to also update 
>>> FB status.
>>> Other than updating status or writing on walls, I seem to navigate well on 
>>> the main site able to "like" a friend's status or comment on his/her 
>>> updates.  I can seemingly locate all other edit boxes on the newsfeed, my 
>>> profile, or any changes I try to make to my profile, preferences, or 
>>> settings.  I just figured out through trial and error as well as several 
>>> friends constantly sending me IMs how to use the FB chat on the main site.  
>>> Because of this list, I seriously considered download a third party ap for 
>>> accessability purposes but if I can do it through the FB chat successfully 
>>> then I will stick with that for now.
>>> As for FB aps, I don't play any games on FB other than once in a while 
>>> accepting/sending gifts in Mofia Wars but for the most part I only use the 
>>> Twitter ap within FB and the "send a drink" and "send a hug" aps and they 
>>> all work just fine as I naviagte the tables, edit boxes, or controls.
>>> Oh and I did recently stumble upon a way where I can get the "what's on 
>>> your mind" edit box to appear and update my status on the main FB site but 
>>> it is kind of hit or miss only working about 40 percent of the time but 
>>> that's better than nothing I guess.
>>> Hope this helps
>>> Israel Antonio
>>> Sexy Isra
>>> www.sexyisra.blogspot.com
>>> www.twitter.com/sexyisra
>>> On Mar 14, 2010, at 9:07 PM, Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I'm new to the list and new to using Mac. I just got my mac mini two weeks 
>>>> ago and so far I'm really enjoying it. One thing I'd like to know is if 
>>>> any of you use the regular facebook site with safari and voiceover 
>>>> successfully? I'm having trouble locating edit boxes on the site. For 
>>>> example, updating status messages, writing on people's walls, etc. Of 
>>>> course I can do this by accessing the mobile site but the mobile site is 
>>>> not as powerful as the full site and I'd like to use the full site if 
>>>> possible. If any of you have any tricks or tips, I'd love to hear them.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Ronit
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